
Wednesday, April 8, 2009


Tags: Apocalyptica Game Cheats, Apocalyptica Hints, Apocalyptica Secrets


Cheat Codes:
Submitted by: conner54

Cheat mode:
While playing, press [~] to bring up the console then type
"exodus 15:3" to activate cheat mode. You may then use any
of the following codes:

Code Result
god 1 / 0 - God Mode On/Off
fly 1 / 0 - Fly Mode On/Off
nextlevel - Skip Level
changecharacter - Change Character
botcombat - Toggle Bot Combat
botmove - Toggle Bot Movement
botforcefight - Toggle Bot Forced Fights
listplayers - List Active Level Players
addbot - Add New Bot
editbot - Edit Bot Traits
removebot - Remove Bot
makebotdead - Kill Bot
playmovie [name] - Play Given Movie
botorders - View Bot Orders
getres - Get Current Resolution
setres [value] - Set Resolution
list - List Other Commands.